How Creating Screen-Free Zones For Kids Can Encourage More Engagement

Last Updated: 13/Mar/2024
How Creating Screen-Free Zones For Kids Can Encourage More Engagement

Offline engagement is rare today, and it’s even more so pronounced amongst kids. You hardly see kids keeping their phones or tablets away for more than a couple of hours in a day.

It's been quite the transition, watching kids spend a majority of their time outdoors—whether it's playing in the mud or cycling around—to now primarily seeking entertainment from these tiny screens.

While it's tough to watch as a parent, there are ways to help them break free from this all-consuming loop.

And even if your kids already have been handed these devices, it’s never too late for you to take proactive measures to ensure they're treading the digital space safely.

The most effective step you can employ is creating screen-free zones in your home.

What is a screen-free zone?

Screen-free areas are designated spaces within your household where the use of electronic devices is entirely prohibited. This can include areas like your bedroom, your kitchen, bathrooms etc.

There are 2 main things you need in order to effectively set up screen-free zones:

1) Rules

You obviously need to set down some rules that clarify where and how you'll create screen-free areas in your home.

For starters, bedrooms, bathrooms, and dining areas can certainly be designated as screen-free zones.

Parents can then set up a shared digital zone in the house where everyone can get their share of screen time. It can have everything kids need, from their devices to computers, charging stations, gaming equipment etc. This shared space will allow family members to enjoy their screen time together while still maintaining boundaries in other areas of the home.

It's also important that parents model healthy screen habits for their children and are mindful of their own device usage. When children see adults following the same rules, they tend to see it as a fair sacrifice on their end.

Make sure you check for loopholes too. Kids shouldn't end up spending their whole day in the shared zone just so they can use their devices.

To avoid this, parents need to set screen limits to define how much screen time kids can have in a day. It can provide a lot more structure to children’s routines and promote healthier digital habits.

2) Alternatives

It’s not enough to just create screen-free zones.

Parents must also ensure that kids have access to alternative activities that don't involve screens; kids shouldn't end up feeling like they're left with nothing else to do.

Think reading, puzzle games, hands-on activities.

There are also audio-based entertainment sources like Vobble's audio stories that can serve as a delightful addition to children’s screen-free zones. Since it’s a parent-controlled app, children don’t have to go online to listen to these stories.

Will it work?

It definitely comes down to setting some clear boundaries between kids and their devices. The goal is to help kids break free from the constant pull of those tiny devices while also providing alternatives that let their imagination run wild.

As long as that's taken care of, kids will stand a strong chance of having healthier interactions with technology over time.

Moreover, these zones also provide ample opportunities for children to spend quality time with their families. Essentially, screen-free zones give everyone the chance to step away from the digital world for a bit and really connect with each other!

By Vobble
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