My Father's Dragon: A Classic Children's Adventure Now in Audiobook Form
This classic children's story follows the daring escapades of Elmer Elevator, a young boy who sets off on a thrilling adventure to save a baby dragon from the clutches of Wild Island's inhabitants. With nothing but his wits and a handful of everyday objects, Elmer braves wild animals and dangerous obstacles on the mysterious island. The journey is filled with excitement, bravery, and unexpected friendships.
This timeless classic opens with a chance encounter between Elmer and a wise, old alley cat, with whom he forms an unlikely friendship. Despite his mother's disapproval, Elmer can't help but be drawn to the cat's fascinating tales of adventure.
The cat enthralls Elmer with stories of far-off places and mystical creatures, but what really gets to him is the heart-wrenching account of a baby dragon held captive on the mysterious Wild Island.
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